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DeeGal's Blog

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Warm weather urges

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Stomach issues got me down

Haven't written anything in a while about two months ago started having a weird pressure in my lower abdomen. Not like the pains I've had previously when my stomach acted up. Thankfully no where near that pain however this strange constant pressure hasn't let up. So far seen my regular doctor who rushed me off for a CT scan with contrast he was thinking a diverticulitis attach and that wasn't it sent me to my GI doctor who sent me off for a colonoscopy Well that shit was not fun I wasn't due for



Inspiring Weekend.

Well it seems like I have been waiting for ever and finally the training has begun to become a Eucharistic Minister. What an exciting Sat. afternoon. I get to St. Agnes and realize WOW the parking lot is full. I sign in and grab a seat the priests and people in attendance were so interesting and inspiring. Next training will be for the homebound and nursing homes. This will mean so much as then when I visit with Granny and they need extra EM I will be able to provide this. I was kinda disappoin




The weather is finally getting nice it so strange trying to stay in the mind set of being a non-smoker. The warm weather makes the urge greater. Sat I spent the day exhausting myself with the thought that physical exhaustion would help. But it is strange the smokes I still miss the most are the ones when I have physically exhausted myself with exercise./activities/ cleaning or errands. I wonder how long before my brain will be re-trained for those moments. I haven't written much in these blogs.



New Media

Absolutely loving my new art class having so much fun trying out new media's to work with. Its kinda of cool to be so excited by a hobby that you want rush home to work on it. Friday all I kept thinking about was what crappy weather I would much rather be home with my art. But I must say dinner with my girlfriend turned out to be very nice. Feeling very grateful for life and friends and family. Trying to remind myself to appreciate all the many wonderful aspects of my life....... Spent a great



Somber St. Patricks Day

Today started out like any other put on my Green and beads even added my shamrock earning. I arrive at work to receive horrible horrible news. St Particks Day will never be the same a very good friend had a massive stroke last night. The girls all text back and forth that it was bad one by one we all tell our bosses and each other we are on the way. Went to the hospital to say good bye...... oh my God what a horrible horrible thing she was a single mom leaving four kids behind she was a single m



Thought for the moment

I just discovered days have gone by and haven't had any thoughts or desires to smoke. What a great feeling. I guess that's how it works. Days start to go bye and you don't even realize the routine has been successfully changed slowly and steadily. And the thoughts no longer posses all your thinking and time.   My friend at work comes past I think pew she stinks and I realize I smelled the same before. I listen to her try and catch her breath and feel sorry for her. It makes me think wow if I w



Good things

Oh my I am so exciting this week I feel like this is one of my best weeks ever. Got a call from my Church, just when I had given up to begin training for becoming a Eucharistic Minister. Sent my letter to Father Bob for Parish approval. This seems meant to be since I finally stopped smoking. It's like God was waiting now I will not need to worry do I smell did I wash me hands.   Then my two classes started this week. Art was the something new for this year. I was a little worried after New Yea



Lent begins

Approaching the season of Lent again at least this year I won't need to add giving up cigarettes to the list. How ironic I considered this a sacrifice when I was smoking just goes to show how brain washed you become as a smoker. I will however be giving up sweets and dessert and that should help with the couple extra pounds I gained since quitting. I look forward to this time of year not just for the giving up of things but for adding things that are meaningful during Lent. I think sometimes tha



Saturday blues

Was not quite sure how to make a blog but I think this might work. So Saturday I found myself fondly missing smoking. It was a strange trigger as most people wouldn't agree but the cigarettes I miss the most are the ones after a heavy workout and yes I smoked after heavy exercise, also after serious hiking trips or kayaking adventures. When I was totally exhausted and exhilarated I enjoyed those the most. Saturday the weather was absolutely beautiful hit the gym for an intense full body work o



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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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